Baggage Claim

Group show curated by Elise By Olsen at Tokyo Art Book Fair, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, 2023. “Suitcases were filled with personal belongings, in this case artist’s books; from new commissions to archival material, in various formats and sizes, to be sold, grappled with or merely glanced at (flights of fancy!). Opening up as guerilla libraries, these trimmed trunks operated as booths within the booth at Tokyo Art Book Fair 2023. These nine trolleys traveled with aptitude (and altitude) to Tokyo and back to present their vision of what an artist’s book can be. Duty free!” Featuring artists: Bjarne Melgaard, Borgenheim Rosenhoff (Marius Engh), Frida Orupabo, Guttormsgaard Arkiv (Hans Hamid Rasmussen), Joar Nango, Lord Jim Publishing, Maria Pasenau, Terje Nicolaisen and Victor Boullet.
